Tuesday 21 November 2017

Je suis plutôt un écrivain félin

Je n'aime pas (tant) lire. Je suis plutôt un écrivain félin. // I do not like reading that much. I am more of a feline writer.
We were given a list of various stuff which we can borrow from the school library. Well, when I say given, I mean it was first shown in class and later it was sent by email. I am rather afraid to open the file, because I think there is about four thousand items in there.

Yes, I am exaggerating, but only a little.

On this occasion I am uncertain about both phrases, but what the hell. Basic phrases in any language are boring.*

* Having said that, I immediately remembered a funny episode from my first year of English. We we meant to complete sentences with words ending in "-less", like homeless, fearless, painless, etc. One of my classmates did brilliantly. His phrase was "do not worry about the dog, he is ...". Everybody expected "harmless", or course. But the guy used "toothless" instead.

We were quite a bit more advanced in English than we are now in French though.

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