Monday 22 June 2020

On s'engage et puis on voit

On s'engage et puis on voit // First we engage, and then we'll see
Yesterday, I don't remember why, this supposedly Napoleonic maxim came up in our conversation. That is, I said it and Kirill didn't remember it. I did a little research on the topic and came up with interesting results: it looks like in my case I knew it because Lenin ascribed it to Napoleon in one of his written works, and gave an exceptionally loose translation "Сначала надо ввязаться в серьезный бой, а там уже видно будет" (First we engage in a serious battle, and then we'll see).

In Kirill's case he probably blocked his knowledge of anything to do with Lenin more successfully than I did.

Did he, that is, Napoleon, say something of the kind? The answer is probably yes, except he was not the first to say it. Some researchers found these words used in Napoleonic times in the same context as Napoleon himself. It is easy to see how tempting it is to associate the guy with the maxim.

Anyway. The cat has the right shape to pose as Napoleon, I feel. He cuts a very fine figure, as always.