Monday 26 March 2018

Mêle-toi de tes affaires

Combien d’argent as-tu dans ta tirelire? — Mêle-toi de tes affaires //
How much money do you have in your piggybank? — Mind your own business!
French Word of the Day from Transparent Language brought me a question “Combien d’argent as-tu dans ta tirelire?”. To which the only correct reply seems to be “none of your business”.
The cat feels the same way.
Pictures related to cats and money @ Shutterstock.

Friday 23 March 2018

Les couleurs du crépuscule

I love being on the beach to admire the twilight’s colors on the horizon
Today, an illustration to another French Word of the Day from Transparent Language: “J’adore être sur la plage pour admirer les couleurs du crépuscule à l’horizon.
Here is the cat, admiring sunset colors from Las Canteras beach.
In other news, Koi pen brushes behave quite nicely when I pass over a colored area with a wet brush. They blend and run into each other like watercolors.
Pictures related to cats and watercolors @ Shutterstock.

Sunday 11 March 2018

Aujourd'hui le temps est gris et maussade

Aujourd'hui le temps est gris et maussade au Nord de la France -- je m'en fiche // Today the weather is grey and gloomy in the north of France -- I don't care
Today, the main phrase comes from Transparent Language email again. When I saw it I thought I'd check if the weather there was indeed grey and gloomy today, and was surprised to find that no, it's not bad at all.

Still, our day was better (but of course). So, I decided that the cat should think something along the lines "I couldn't care less". Google translate, surprisingly, gave me a much shorter phrase than I expected - "je m'en fiche". Suspicious, I re-checked and was pleased to see that  it indeed expresses the sentiment of not caring exactly.