Wednesday 18 October 2017

meterse en berenjenales

Today, I'd like to take a breather from French and talk about a funny expression our teacher used. It was in my french class, so it fits here, sort of.

We have only been doing french for a month, so we can't handle any complex concepts. I did have a go at one though; when my teacher finally understood what I was trying to say he said "Te metes en berenjenales". The meaning was immediately apparent from the context - "you are getting yourself into trouble", but I thought the expression he used was funny. Literally it means "you are getting into eggplant patches".  

Explanation, as I later found, is as follows - eggplants' stems have spines, so if you somehow get yourself into an eggplant patch it will be difficult to get out. 

First I couldn't believe that there is such a specialized word as "berenjenal" (eggplant patch), so it made me imagine a sort of jungle of eggplants. Alas, the word does exist, but I still prefer to think of it as an eggplant jungle.

And here you have it. Sumo wrestler cat has gotten himself into an eggplant forest; he doesn't like it at all, I am afraid.

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