Tuesday 15 October 2024

Guidebook / guide


Today's Inktober prompt is "guidebook / guide".

Which reminded me of a little episode from a few years back. We were walking in the hills, using an online guide by a very knowledgeable local hiker. It wasn't one of the complicated routes,  but it was a foggy day and the visibility was limited. We weren't lost, exactly,  just not sure where we were.  And then, in the verbal description of the route,  we came up to a phrase which went "and then you come to a farm with dogs that bark". Right on cue, a dog started barking in the fog, and suddenly we knew exactly where we were.

Monday 14 October 2024

Roam / errer

 Today's Inktober prompt is "roam / errer".

And here is the cat,  feeling unusually energetic. I have no explanation as to why. Mysterious are the ways of the cat.

Sunday 13 October 2024

Le problème du chat / horizon

 Today's Inktober prompt is "horizon", written the same in French and English.

The cat has a problem, le problème du chat . Unlike "Le problème du cavalier", where the Knight has to visit every square on a chessboard, the cat's problem is simpler - he just doesn't want to move at all. He is just fine where he is, thank you very much.

Come to think of it,  he doesn't have a problem. No-one can make a cat to move if he doesn't want to.

Saturday 12 October 2024

Remote / télécommande

Today's Inktober prompt is "Remote / télécommande".

I know that they probably meant other meaning of "remote", judging by the overall tendency.

But the cat is tired of all the adventures. I mean, it's only so much a feline can bear.

Friday 11 October 2024



Today's Inktober prompt is "snacks". Apparently not translated, that is, translations exist, but "snack" is more readily used in french.

HHere's the cat, bringing some snacks to a hike. He's clearly looking forward to eating them. Not so sure about the hike itself though

Thursday 10 October 2024

Nomadic / nomade


Today's Inktober prompt is "nomadic / nomade".

And here is the cat, going somewhere on a surprised-looking horse.

You would be surprised too, if you suddenly found a large cat on your back.

Wednesday 9 October 2024

Sun / soleil

Today's Inktober prompt is "sun".

Icatus soared higher into the sky, eclipsing the sun // Ichate s'est envolé plus haut dans le ciel, éclipsant le soleil

Don't worry about the cat, he is fine, no wax in those wings, they are made of stuff most difficult to destroy - hopes and wishes

Tuesday 8 October 2024

Hike / randonnée

Today's Inktober prompt is "hike". Strangely, there seems to be no difference in translation of "hike" and "trek", they are both "randonnée".

The best after a hike is being able to wriggle your toes / Le mieux après une randonnée c'est de pouvoir remuer les orteils

Monday 7 October 2024

Passpot / passeport

Today's Inktober prompt is "passport" (passeport).

By a strange coincidence, today a postman brought our son his passport, which was stolen a month ago in Bilbao. Apparently it was simply thrown away, spent some time under rain, later found and sent over by, presumably, "lost and found" (Objets trouvés) agency.

The passport was stolen together with a whole backpack full of important things, most of which we'll never see.

To be honest, I am surprised the passport was found.

Sunday 6 October 2024



Trek / randonnée

As a bonus track, the French version of "are we there yet?" seems to be "On arrive quand ?", i.e. "when do we arrive?". Feel free to correct me if I am wrong

Saturday 5 October 2024

Binoculars / jumelles

 Poor cat is having difficulties with those.  They are not built to be used by cats